BSR tensor invariants in PyTorch

Author Pearu Peterson
Created 2022-05-06

The aim of this blog post is to define the invariants of PyTorch tensors with BSR layout. As a first instance, we assume that a BSR tensor has zero batch dimensions and is a non-hybrid tensor (tensor values are scalars), and then generalize this to batch hybrid BSR tensor.

Sparse tensor BSR format

A sparse tensor BSR format is a generalization of a sparse tensor CSR format where BSR indices refer to 2-dimensional dense blocks in the tensor rather than elements as in the case of a CSR tensor. For example:

>>> dense = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]])
>>> bsr = dense.to_sparse_bsr(blocksize=(2, 3))
>>> bsr
tensor(crow_indices=tensor([0, 2, 4]),
       col_indices=tensor([0, 1, 0, 1]),
       values=tensor([[[ 0,  1,  2],
                       [ 6,  7,  8]],

                      [[ 3,  4,  5],
                       [ 9, 10, 11]],

                      [[12, 13, 14],
                       [18, 19, 20]],

                      [[15, 16, 17],
                       [21, 22, 23]]]), size=(4, 6), nnz=4,

Notice that crow_indices and col_indices contain indices of a CSR tensor with shape (2, 2) while the shape of BSR tensor is (4, 6) because it incorporates the shape of values blocks: a block is a strided tensor with shape (2, 3).

The sparse tensor CSR format is equivalent to sparse tensor BSR format with blocksize=(1, 1).

BSR tensor members

A tensor with BSR layout has the following members (as defined by constructor sparse_bsr_tensor):

Type invariants

1.1 crow_indices.dtype == indices_dtype

1.2 col_indices.dtype == indices_dtype

1.3 indices_dtype is int32 or int64 (default)

1.4 values.dtype == dtype

1.5 dtype is float32 (default if values contains floats), float64, int8, int16, int32, int64 (default if values contains integers only), bool (default if values contains only boolean values), complex32 (unsupported ATM), complex64 (default if values contains complex numbers), or complex128.

Layout invariants

2.1 crow_indices.layout == torch.strided

2.2 col_indices.layout == torch.strided

2.3 values.layout == torch.strided

2.4 layout == torch.sparse_bsr

Shape and strides invariants

3.1 size == (nrows * blocksize[0], ncols * blocksize[1]), that is, a BSR tensor represents a two dimensional tensor.

3.2 crow_indices.dim() == 1

3.3 col_indices.dim() == 1

3.4 values.dim() == 3

3.5 crow_indices.is_contiguous()

3.6 col_indices.is_contiguous()

3.7 values.is_contiguous() or values.transpose(-2, -1).is_contiguous()

3.8 crow_indices.shape == (nrows + 1,)

3.9 col_indices.shape == (nnz,)

3.10 values.shape == (nnz, blocksize[0], blocksize[1])

3.11 numel() == nrows * ncols * blocksize[0] * blocksize[1] is the number of indexable elements (note: indexing CSC, BSR, and BSC tensors is not yet supported)

Device invariants

4.1 device is CPU or CUDA

4.2 crow_indices.device == device

4.3 col_indices.device == device

4.4 values.device == device

Indices invariants

5.1 crow_indices[0] == 0

5.2 crow_indices[nrows] == nnz

5.3 0 <= crow_indices[i] - crow_indices[i-1] <= ncols for all i=1,...,nrows

5.4 0 <= col_indices.min()

5.5 col_indices.max() < ncols

5.6 col_indices[crow_indices[..., i-1]:crow_indices[..., i]] must be sorted and with distinct values for all i=1,...,nrows, that is, CSR tensor is coalesced. This is required by cuSparse and SciPy calls such CSR tensors being in canonical form.

BSR transpose as a view operation

CSR tensor transpose returns a CSC tensor so that CSR transpose becomes a view operations with respect to values member. This is achieved by reinterpreting the compressed and plain indices as column and row indices, respectively. The resulting CSC tensor shared the storage of indices and values of the original CSR tensor:

>>> csr = torch.tensor([[0, 1], [2, 3]]).to_sparse_csr()
>>> csc = csr.transpose(-2, -1)
>>> csc.values().storage().data_ptr() == csr.values().storage().data_ptr()
>>> csc.ccol_indices().storage().data_ptr() == csr.crow_indices().storage().data_ptr()

Similarly, we require that BSR transpose is a view operation by reinterpreting the compressed and plain indices. While doing so, we must take into account the following invariant:

dense.to_sparse_bsr(blocksize=(bdim1, bdim2)).transpose(-2, -1) == dense.transpose(-2, -1).to_sparse_bsc(blocksize=(bdim2, bdim1))

that is, the conversions from dense to blocked tensors and transpose opetation must commute.

Notice that the dimensions of blocksizes of BSR and BSC tensors are swapped. This invariant is satisfied if BSR transpose is defined as

bsr.transpose(-2, -1) = torch.sparse_bsc_tensor(bsr.crow_indices(), bsr.col_indices(), bsr.values().transpose(-2, -1))

At the moment of writing this blog, torch.sparse_bsc_tensor requires row-wise contiguous values input but bsr.values().transpose(-2, -1) is a column-wise contiguous tensor. Here follows are workaround:

>>> dense = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]])
>>> bsr = dense.to_sparse_bsr(blocksize=(2, 3))
>>> bsc = torch._sparse_bsc_tensor_unsafe(bsr.crow_indices(), bsr.col_indices(), bsr.values().transpose(-2, -1), size=(bsr.shape[-1], bsr.shape[-2]))
>>> bsc
tensor(ccol_indices=tensor([0, 2, 4]),
       row_indices=tensor([0, 1, 0, 1]),
       values=tensor([[[ 0,  6],
                       [ 1,  7],
                       [ 2,  8]],

                      [[ 3,  9],
                       [ 4, 10],
                       [ 5, 11]],

                      [[12, 18],
                       [13, 19],
                       [14, 20]],

                      [[15, 21],
                       [16, 22],
                       [17, 23]]]), size=(6, 4), nnz=4,

The above means that we must generalize the row-wise contiguous input requirement to row- or column-wise contiguous input requirement of sparse blocked tensors.

Generalization of BSR format to batched and hybrid BSR formats.

While a canonical BSR tensor is a two dimensional tensor with a shape (nrows * blocksize[0], ncols * blocksize[1]) then a batched BSR tensor introduces so-called batch dimensions that appear in the left of the canonical dimensions. Moreover, a hybrid BSR tensor introduces so-called dense dimensions that appear in the right of the canonical dimensions. So, the shape of a batched hybrid BSR tensor is

(batchsize[0], ..., batchsize[M-1], nrows * blocksize[0], ncols * blocksize[1], densesize[0], ..., densesize[N-1])

where M is the number of batch dimensions and N is the number of dense dimensions. The batch dimensions extend the BSR indices and values shapes from the left. This means that different batches of BSR tensors may have different sparsity patterns as long as the number of specified elements is the same for all batches. The dense dimensions extend the BSR values shape from the right while the shapes of BSR indices are unaffected. This means that hybrid BSR tensors can be interpreted as tensor-valued tensors as is the case with hybrid COO tensors.

The batched and hybrid BSR tensors have the following invariants:

Type, layout, and device invariants

Same as 1.1-1.5, 2.1-2.4, and 4.1-4.4 above.

Shape and strides invariants

3.1 size == batchsize + (nrows * blocksize[0], ncols * blocksize[1]) + densesize where batchsize and densesize are tuples of non-negative integers.

3.2 crow_indices.dim() == 1 + M

3.3 col_indices.dim() == 1 + M

3.4 values.dim() == M + 3 + N

3.5 crow_indices.is_contiguous()

3.6 col_indices.is_contiguous()

3.7 values.is_contiguous() or values.transpose(-2 - N, -1 - N).is_contiguous() (see BSR transpose section below)

3.8 crow_indices.shape == batchsize + (nrows + 1,)

3.9 col_indices.shape == batchsize + (nnz,)

3.10 values.shape == batchsize + (nnz,) + blocksize + densesize

3.11 numel() == nrows * ncols * prod(batchsize + blocksize + densesize) is the number of indexable elements

Indices invariants

5.1 crow_indices[..., 0] == 0

5.2 crow_indices[..., nrows] == nnz

5.3 0 <= crow_indices[..., i] - crow_indices[..., i-1] <= ncols for all i=1,...,nrows

5.4 0 <= col_indices.min()

5.5 col_indices.max() < ncols

5.6 col_indices[..., crow_indices[..., i-1]:crow_indices[..., i]] must be an ordered sequence with with distinct integer values for all i=1,...,nrows, that is, each batch is coalesced.

In the above, ellipses ... reads i1, ..., iM and the invariants apply for all 0 <= i1 < batchsize[0], ..., 0 <= iM < batchsize[M-1].

Estimating the shape of a BSR tensor from the shapes of indices and values

PyTorch supports two factory functions for creating sparse (COO, CSR, CSC, BSR, and BSC) tensors (i) from indices, values, and shape, and (ii) from indices and values while the tensor shape is estimated from the shapes of indices and values. In the following, a solution to the shape estimation problem is provided for a BSR tensor.

The general form of a BSR tensor shape is

batchsize + (nrows * blocksize[0], ncols * blocksize[1]) + densesize

From 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 follows that

batchsize = crow_indices.shape[:-1]
M = len(batchsize)
blocksize = values.shape[M + 1: M + 3]
densesize = values.shape[M + 3:]
nrows = crow_indices.shape[-1] - 1
ncols = max(col_indices.max() + 1, crow_indices.diff(dim=-1).max())

Notice that estimating ncols involves accessing indices data and some computations. Therefore, for an optimal performance in creating BSR tensors, use a factory function with shape explicitly specified whenever possible. For the best performance, use an unsafe factory function with shape specified, but be warned, inconsistencies in tensor data will not be discovered.