CSR tensor invariants in PyTorch

Author Pearu Peterson
Created 2021-05-06

The aim of this blog post is to define the invariants of PyTorch tensors with CSR layout.

CSR tensor members

A tensor with CSR layout has the following members (as defined by constructor sparse_csr_tensor):

Type invariants

1.1 crow_indices.dtype == indices_dtype

1.2 col_indices.dtype = indices_dtype

1.3 indices_dtype is int32 (default) or int64

1.4 values.dtype == dtype

1.5 dtype is float32 (default), or float64, or int8, …, or int64

Layout invariants

2.1 crow_indices.layout == torch.strided

2.2 col_indices.layout == torch.strided

2.3 values.layout == torch.strided

2.4 layout == torch.sparse_csr

Shape and strides invariants

3.1 size == (nrows, ncols), that is, CSR tensor represents a 2 dimensional tensor

3.2 crow_indices.dim() == 1

3.3 col_indices.dim() == 1

3.4 values.dim() == 1

3.5 crow_indices.stride() == (1,) or crow_indices.is_contiguous()

3.6 col_indices.stride() == (1,) or col_indices.is_contiguous()

3.7 values.stride() == (1,) or values.is_contiguous()

3.8 crow_indices.size() == (nrows+1,) or crow_indices.numel() == nrows + 1

3.9 col_indices.size() == (nnz,) or col_indices.numel() == nnz

3.10 values.size() == (nnz,) or values.numel() == nnz

3.11 numel() == nrows * ncols is the number of indexable elements

Device invariants

4.1 device is CPU or CUDA

4.2 crow_indices.device == device

4.3 col_indices.device == device

4.4 values.device == device

Indices invariants

5.1 crow_indices[0] == 0

5.2 crow_indices[nrows] == nnz

5.3 0 <= crow_indices[i] - crow_indices[i-1] <= ncols for all i=1,...,nrows

5.4 0 <= col_indices.min()

5.5 col_indices.max() < ncols

5.6 col_indices[crow_indinces[i-1]:crow_indinces[i]] must be sorted and with distinct values for all i=1,...,nrows (required by cuSparse)

Invariant checks

According to PR 57274, creating a CSR tensor has the following function calling tree with the corresponding invariant checks: