PyTorch masked operations on sparse tensors


This blog post inspired by the need to define useful (masked) array operations on PyTorch sparse tensors.

Dense and sparse arrays

A multi-dimensional array is a data structure that defines a regular structure to a set of values with the same data-type: each array value is labeled with an index (a sequence of non-negative integers) so that one can imagine the array values being distributed as the nodes of an multi-dimensional regular grid.

When all nodes of the grid have assigned a value then this defines the so-called dense array. Dense arrays are the most commonly used array structures as these allow efficient storage of array elements as a contiguous sequence of values while storing array indices is not required (recall, an array element is a pair of index and the corresponding value): the array indices can be computed from the memory locations of the corresponding array values. With dense arrays, computationally very efficient algorithms can be implemented that take advantage of the memory structure of the computational processor unit(s) if it matches with the memory structure of arrays.

A generalization of dense arrays is the so-called sparse array that is an array that may leave some grid nodes undefined (the corresponding nodes have no value assigned). From this follows that in addition to storing array values, the indices of specified array elements must be stored as well. A number of storage formats exists for storing the elements of sparse arrays. These formats are designed to be memory and processor efficient for particular sparsity patterns as well as for particular operations on such arrays.

It is important to notice that we have introduced the sparse array as generalization of the dense array. On the other hand, sparse arrays can also be viewed as dense arrays that have majority of elements with the same value, say, zero, and the concept of a sparse array becomes a certain compression method of the dense array elements. In fact, this view is very common in applications using linear algebra operations when the number of zeros in arrays is an order of magnitute larger than the number of non-zero values, and hence, for large sized arrays a considerable portion of memory can be saved if one only stores the non-zero elements of the array.

Dense and sparse tensors in PyTorch

PyTorch currently defines the following tensor storage layouts:

According to the latest development, PyTorch considers a sparse tensor layout as a compression method for storing dense tensor elements (here we consider “dense” and “strided” as distinct concepts). Of course, the compression has positive effect only for dense tensors that elements are mostly zeros.

All elementwise tensor operations defined in torch namespace support sparse tensor inputs only if the corresponding operation maps a zero value to zero. For this reason, torch.sin can be applied to sparse tensors but torch.cos can’t, for instance.

Historically, torch.sparse defines few operations (sum, softmax, softmin, etc) that treat unspecified elements as masked-out elements. However, if one requires a consistent tool for working with masked-out elements, then one should use operations defined in the torch._masked namespace. The operations in torch._masked namespace use the same API as operations in torch namespace but the API is extended with an extra keyword argument mask that contains a tensor that defines which values in the input are masked-out while performing the operations. Note that the input and mask arguments to the masked operations are tensors with arbitrary layouts: masked operations are layout invariant and the unspecified elements of sparse tensors are treated as zeros.

Masked reductions on tensors with arbitrary storage layout

Consider a regular reduction torch.reduction_op (e.g. torch.sum, torch.amax, torch.argmin, etc) that supports strided tensor inputs. On the other hand, the corresponding masked reduction torch._masked.reduction_op is designed to support both strided and sparse inputs. In the following, we’ll define masked reductions on tensors with arbitrary storage layout using the PyTorch design principle of layout invariance of operations and the definition of existing operations on strided tensors.

For strided inputs, the regular and masked reductions are related via

torch._masked.reduction_op(strided, ..., mask=None) == torch.reduction_op(strided)

(here the equality x == y is defined as assertEqual(x, y)). We’ll generalize this relation to inputs with arbitrary layout as

torch._masked.reduction_op(input, ..., mask=None).to_dense() == torch.reduction_op(input.to_dense()))

The behaviour of masked reduction when mask is not specified (the mask is None case), corresponds to masked reduction with so-called default mask tensor. For strided inputs, the default mask is

input.new_ones(input.shape, dtype=bool)

that generalizes for sparse inputs as

torch.ones(input.shape, dtype=bool)

Masked reductions on strided tensors typically use the mask argument by converting the input argument to

input_mask = torch.where(mask, input, reduction_op_identity)

and then apply regular reduction to input_mask.

In the case of sparse tensor inputs, it is desirable that masked reduction algorithms would operate on the sparse tensors data only, that is, sparse tensors should not be materialized as strided tensors because it would be very memory inefficient method for large sized tensors. On the other hand, to allow optimizations, we want to provide masked reduction implementations on sparse tensors that assume that the masked-in pattern of input elements (as defined by the mask tensor) would match with the sparsity pattern of the sparse input, that is, for all specified elements of the sparse input the corresponding mask value is True, and for all unspecified elements the mask value is False.

To compute a masked reduction of a sparse input tensor, we first define using pseudo-code:

input_mask = torch.empty(input.shape, dtype=input.dtype)  # this is strided tensor!
for index in itertools.product(*map(range, input.shape)):
    if index in mask and mask[index]:
        if index in input:
            input_mask[index] = input[index]
            input_mask[index] = 0  # follows from layout invariance of tensor operations
        input_mask[index] = reduction_op_identity  # masked-out elements are treated as reduction identities

The result of masked reduction operation is obtained by applying regular reduction to input_mask.

While the above defines the masked reduction on sparse tensors, it would be impractical to implement because input_mask tensor is strided tensor. Next we’ll adjust the definintion of input_mask tensor such that it will be a sparse tensor and we could implement the masked reduction operator on sparse tensors such that

torch._masked.reduction_op(input, ..., mask=mask) == _sparse_masked_reduction_op(input_mask, ...)


First, let’s analyze what should be the sparsity pattern of input_mask: should it match with the sparsity pattern of input, or of mask, or something else? For each element of the input_mask tensor, we have four possibilities:

  1. If input specifies an element and mask defines it as being masked-out, then the corresponding input_mask element value is reduction_op_identity. [Here we have a choice of not specifying the corresponding element in input_mask, or we can specify it by assigning reduction identity value to it.]
  2. If input specifies an element and mask defines it as being masked-in, then the corresponding input_mask element value is the value of the input element.
  3. If input does not specify a value and mask defines it as being masked-out, then the corresponding input_mask element will not be specified. [This case enables input_mask being a sparse tensor when input is sparse].
  4. If input does not specify a value and mask defines it as being masked-in, then the corresponding input_mask element value is zero. [This case requires that input_mask must specify elements that are not specified in input (unless the reduction identity value is zero).]

So, the case 1 allows reducing the set of input_mask indices while the case 3 may increase the set of indices with respect to the set of input indices. We don’t consider the question with respect to the set of mask indices because it would be impractical, for example, when mask is the default mask then input_mask would become a dense array.

To visualize the possible options for composing input_mask tensor, let us consider the following 1-D sparse arrays:

input = [*, *, *, x, y, z]
mask  = [*, F, T, *, F, T]

where * denotes unspecified values, F/T are the boolean values defining the mask, and x/y/z are arbitrary values of the input. In addition, let I denote the reduction identity value. Then there exists four general constructions of the mask_input tensors:

input_mask1 = [*, *, 0, *, *, z]
input_mask2 = [*, I, 0, *, I, z]
input_mask3 = [*, I, 0, I, I, z]
input_mask4 = [I, I, 0, I, I, z]

The first option input_mask1 is minimal in the sense that all specified values are masked-in and its sparsity pattern is defined by mask.to_dense().to_sparse(). The second option input_mask2 has the same sparsity pattern as mask. The third option input_mask3 has the sparsity pattern of the union of the sparsity patterns of input and mask. Finally, the forth option input_mask4 corresponds to dense array as defined in the pseudo-code above.

For certain reductions that result can be quickly determined if one of the operands has zero value, we can define reduction-dependent constructions for input_mask:

input_mask5 = [*, *, 0, *, *, *]
input_mask6 = [*, *, *, *, *, z]

where input_mask5 would be optimal for prod reduction, for instance, where all input values can be discarded if unspecified input value is masked-in. The option input_mask6 would be appropiate for reductions that reduction identity is zero so that only masked-in and specified input values determine the result, as is the case for sum, for instance.

Let’s assume that we have an implementation to masked reduction operation for sparse input tensors that sparsity pattern matches with the pattern of masked-in elements: _sparse_masked_reduction_op(sparse, ...). Next we’ll adjust the definition of input_mask such that it will be a sparse tensor that sparsity pattern matches with the sparsity pattern of input tensor such that we would have:

torch._masked.reduction_op(input, ..., mask=mask) == _sparse_masked_reduction_op(input_mask, ...)

where input is a sparse tensor and it uses the same layout as input_mask (to ensure that the input and result layouts will be the same).

Let us assume that the indices set of input_mask tensor matches with the indices set of input even when some elements would be masked out by mask elements: the corresponding masked out elements will be replaced by reduction identity values. On the other hand, when some unspecified elements of input tensor are masked-in as defined by the mask tensor, then the corresponding elements should be treated as zeros. This will contradict with the assumption as the input_mask input would need to specify elements that are not specified in the input tensor.

Next, let us assume that the indices set of input_mask tensor matches with the indices set of mask: the specified elements of input

An alternative would be that the indices set of input_mask matches with the indices set of the corresponding mask elements that have value True — if so then masked-in elements that are not specified in input would be replaced by zero within input_mask tensor.

Warning: At the moment, it is not completely clear what either of these choices mean with respect to PyTorch autograd support.

This indices set may or may not intersect with the indices set of input.

If mask is a strided tensor then input_mask indices can be obtained via normalized_mask = if input is sparse COO tensor, or via normalized_mask = if the input is sparse CSR tensor. The values of input_mask can be computed as follows (unoptimized code follows):

values = normalized_mask.values().zeros_like(dtype=input.values().dtype)
a = flatten_indices(normalized_mask.to_sparse().indices())
b = flatten_indices(input.to_sparse().indices())
for i, index in enumerate(b):
    if index in a:
        j = a.index(index)
        values[j] = input.values()[i]

As a result, we have:

input_mask = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(normalized_mask.indices(), values)
input_mask = torch.sparse_csr_tensor(normalized_mask.crow_indices(), normalized_mask.col_indices(), values)

If mask is already a sparse tensor, we’ll need to take into account possible masked-out elements:

values = mask.values().zeros_like(dtype=input.values().dtype)
a = flatten_indices(mask.to_sparse().indices())
b = flatten_indices(input.to_sparse().indices())
for i, index in enumerate(b):
    if index in a:
        j = a.index(index)
        if mask[index]:
            values[j] = input.values()[i]
            values[j] = reduction_op_identity