A revised version of this blog post is available as Quansight Labs blog.
The aim of this document is to explore a method of calling C++ library
functions from Numba jitted
— Python functions that are decorated with
While there exists ways to wrap C++ codes to Python, calling these wrappers from Numba jittied functions may not be as straightforward and efficient as one would hope. The underlying problem to inefficency is that the Python/C++ wrappers are designed to be called on Python objects. For instance, with keeping in mind the aim of this post, a call to a Numba jitted function would involve converting a Python object to a low-level object, say, to some C/C++ equivalent intrinsic type or structure, then converting it back to Python object to be passed to the Python/C++ wrapper function, that would convert the Python object (again) to an equivalent C/C++ type object which can be finally passed to the underlying C++ library function. The return value of the C++ function would be transformed several times as well, just in the opposite direction of the functions calling sequence. In sum, all these object transformations may build up a considerable overhead of calling otherwise highly efficient C++ library functions from Python.
Another difficulty with calling C++ library functions from Numba originates from name-mangling that C++ compilers apply to function names in order to support function/method overloadings as well as other relevant C++ language features. In principle, one would be able to call such a C++ library function directly from Numba jitted function (using numba.cfunc feature) if one would know how the C++ compiler transforms the function name internally . However, the name-mangling algorithm is C++ compiler vendor dependent, and in practice, it would be hard to predict the mangled name in a portable manner.
In this post, we’ll introduce a straightforward and efficient method
of calling C++ library functions from Numba jitted functions that
circumvents the name-mangling problem. The method is based on
determining the C++ library functions addresses at runtime that
together with functions signatures can be used to set up an highly
efficient calling sequence. This method will require creating a small
C/C++ wrapper library that contains export "C"
functions which return the addresses of C++ libray functions at
A Python script cxx2py.py is provided that
auto-generates, from user-supplied C++ header and source files, the
wrapper library as well as a Python
ctypes wrapper
module. The Python module contains ctypes
definitions of C++
library functions that Numba jitted functions are able to call
directly without requiring the expensive object transformations
mentioned above.
Currently, the supported features include:
The cxx2py.py
tool can be extended to support other C++ features
such as
uses clang++
to parse C++ header files and to build
the shared wrapper library and the Python wrapper module. It also uses
RBC - Remote Backend Compiler
for parsing the signatures of C++ functions for convenience.
As a prerequisite, let’s create a conda environment as follows
$ conda create -n cxx2py-demo -c conda-forge numba rbc cxx-compiler clangdev
$ conda activate cxx2py-demo
We assume that the cxx2py.py script is copied to the current working directory and is functional:
$ python cxx2py.py --help
usage: cxx2py.py [-h] [-m MODULENAME] [--clang-exe CLANG_EXE]
[--clang-ast-dump-flags CLANG_AST_DUMP_FLAGS]
[--clang-build-flags CLANG_BUILD_FLAGS]
[--clang-extra-flags CLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS]
[--build] [--verbose]
file [file ...]
Generate ctypes wrappers to C++ library functions
positional arguments:
file C++ header/source file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Python module name of ctypes wrappers (default: untitled)
--clang-exe CLANG_EXE
Path to clang compiler (default: clang++)
--clang-ast-dump-flags CLANG_AST_DUMP_FLAGS
Override flags to clang ast dump command (default:
'-Xclang -ast-dump -fsyntax-only -fno-diagnostics-color')
--clang-build-flags CLANG_BUILD_FLAGS
Override flags to clang build shared library command
(default: '-shared -fPIC')
--clang-extra-flags CLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS
Extra flags to clang command (default: '')
--build Build shared library (default: False)
--verbose Be verbose (default: False)
Next, let us consider the following C++ header and source file that we will use as a model of a C++ library:
/* File: foo.hpp */
#include <iostream>
int foo(int a);
namespace ns {
namespace ns2 {
double bar(double x);
class BarCls {
BarCls(double a): a_(a) {}
double get_a() { return a_; }
static int fun() { return 54321; }
double a_;
/* File: foo.cpp */
int foo(int a) {
std::cout << "in foo(" << std::to_string(a) << ")" << std::endl;
return a + 123;
namespace ns { namespace ns2 {
double bar(double a) {
std::cout << "in ns::ns2::bar(" << std::to_string(a) << ")" << std::endl;
return a + 12.3;
We build a ctypes wrapper library using
$ python cxx2py.py -m libfoo foo.hpp foo.cpp --build
As a quick test, try running:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. python -c "import untitled as m; print(m.__all__)"
that will create three files into the current directory:
$ ls *libfoo*
cxx2py_libfoo.cpp libcxx2py_libfoo.so libfoo.py
Notice that the generated cxx2py_libfoo.cpp file contains light-weight C functions for returning the addresses of C++ functions:
#include <memory>
#include <cstdint>
#include "foo.hpp"
extern "C" intptr_t get_foo_address() {
/* int (int) */
return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(std::addressof(foo));
extern "C" intptr_t get_ns__ns2__bar_address() {
/* double (double) */
return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(std::addressof(ns::ns2::bar));
extern "C" intptr_t get_ns__BarCls__fun_address() {
/* int () */
return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(std::addressof(ns::BarCls::fun));
The cxx2py_libfoo.cpp
file is built into the shared library
when --build
flag is used.
Let’s test the wrapper module libfoo in Python:
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. # this makes sure that ctypes is able to find the shared library
$ python
>>> import libfoo
>>> libfoo.__all__
['foo', 'ns__ns2__bar', 'ns__BarCls__fun']
>>> libfoo.foo(5)
in foo(5)
>>> libfoo.ns__ns2__bar(1.2)
in ns::ns2::bar(1.200000)
>>> libfoo.ns__BarCls__fun()
that is, the C++ library functions can be called directly from Python thanks to ctypes!.
Moreover, the C++ library functions can be called from Numba jitted functions as well. For example:
>>> import numba
>>> @numba.njit
... def fun(x):
... return libfoo.foo(x + 2)
>>> fun(5)
in foo(7)
In this post, we outlined a method of calling C++ library functions from Python with emphasis of using these from Numba jitted functions with minimal overhead. While the provided tool cxx2py.py currently supports only wrapping C++ functions with scalar inputs and return values, it can be easily extended to support other C++ features as well.